About us

We want to improve health and life quality for men, women and children across South Africa.

JPS Africa is a non-profit organisation with the goal of increasing access to high-quality HIV & AIDS prevention services in South Africa. In collaboration with our partners, we empower health professionals and the communities they serve to build and maintain quality healthcare services in low-resource settings.

JPS Africa is a non-profit organisation with the goal of increasing access to high-quality HIV & AIDS prevention services in South Africa. In collaboration with our partners, we empower health professionals and the communities they serve to build and maintain quality healthcare services in low-resource settings.

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) interferes with the body’s ability to fight diseases and infections, and leads to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS); which is when the immune system is so compromised that it is unable to fight off most infections and diseases. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 1.2 million deaths caused by HIV related causes and 36.9 million HIV-positive people. Globally the Sub-Saharan African region has the highest population of HIV-positive people.
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision [VMMC]Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision [VMMC]

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision [VMMC]

The World Health Organization (WHO), in conjunction with UNAIDS, recommended Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) as an HIV prevention strategy. This is based on scientific evidence that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV and STIs, and protects women from cervical cancer. Thus, JPS Africa NPC, in conjunction with the NDoH, incorporated Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) into their HIV/AIDS prevention strategies and programmes.

Thus far, JPS Africa NPC has a total of 23 sites that support VMMC in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and one Mobile VMMC clinic. JPS Africa NPC also trains Health Promotion Officers on circumcision benefits and VMMC as a HIV prevention method, as well as other benefits of VMMC, adult circumcision and how to effectively promote VMMC among South African men. This training is supported through the use of the ModCal® Training Skills programme, which blends technology supported learning with more traditional group-based training.


Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Dr. Motsoaledi, Minister of Health, said “In 2 years we would like to see a reduction in teenage pregnancy, unwanted pregnancies and in abortions” at the launch of the National Family Planning Campaign in South Africa in April 2014.


The JPS Africa NPC family planning project has played a key role in supporting the launch of the National Family Planning Campaign. This year-long campaign, led by the National Department of Health (NDoH), aims to reduce the high number of maternal deaths in the country by promoting family planning, addressing teenage pregnancy and overall women’s health.

MDR TB, Programming & Research

Multi-Drug Resistant (MDR) Tuberculosis (TB) is a severe form of TB, where the bacteria are resistant to multiple antibiotic drugs which makes it difficult, but not impossible, to treat. It is estimated the 5% of Tuberculosis (TB) cases are MDR. JPS Africa supports the NDoH to improve access for MDR-TB patients by decentralizing treatment initiation across South Africa.

Infection Prevention & Control

Infection prevention and control forms part of every programme that JPS Africa NPC offers. By integrating infection control policy and protection, JPS Africa NPC can reduce the spread of hospital acquired infection, diseases, promote effective waste management, reduce environmental pollution and reduce the perceived and actual risk of infection for health care providers.


With increased strategic and effective implementation of infection control policy, South Arica and JPS Africa NPC can boast a steady movement toward the decline of hospital acquired infection and an increase in infection control.


Infection Prevention & Control

Maternal, Newborn & Child Health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are approximately 800 fatalities daily due to pregnancy and childbirth related causes of which 99% of these occur in developing countries. With such a high maternal mortality rate, approximately three quarters of all newborn deaths occur in the first week of life. In developing countries, approximately 50% of all mothers and newborns are not currently receiving skilled maternal and newborn healthcare during and after birth. The World Health Organization states that maternal and newborn deaths are preventable with skilled care during and after pregnancy and childbirth.

Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
Cervical Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Cervical Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Cervical cancer is caused by two types of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Globally, it is the fourth most frequent cancer in women. 85% of cervical cancer deaths occur in less developed countries, where it is the second most common cancer. Sufficient early symptom screening and treatment can prevent cervical cancer deaths, however there is limited access to effective screening methods in developing countries. Cervical cancer screening methods include papsmears, visual inspections with acetic acid (vinegar) and cryotherapy. JPS Africa NPC implemented the process of improving access to early screening to help reduce cervical cancer deaths. With increased in accessible quality education and content, global communities are able to develop their knowledge about the various HPV virus’ and cervical cancer systems.
Social Ethics And Responsibility

Social Ethics And Responsibility

PS Africa NPC planting a tree to save the environment Planting trees is one of the most basic of environmental acts. It embraces the beauty of nature, helps clean the environment from the moment of planting forward, and sets one’s mind on the well-being of future generations. The main purpose of planting trees is to save the environment. The ozone layer is becoming thinner which contributes to global warming. One of the main gases are carbon di-oxide, which traps the heat of the sun and warms the earth’s temperature.

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HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals aim to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. This can be achieved by:

  • The elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
  • Increased availability in educational programmes and content regarding:
  • HIV/AIDS symptoms in men
  • HIV/AIDS symptoms in women
  • Innovative learning approaches regarding the various ways HIV/AIDS is transmitted
  • Improving education on clear and accurate definition on HIV/AIDS
  • HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT)
  • Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC)
  • Preventing medical transmission of HIV
  • Providing access to Antiretroviral Therapy, treatment for HIV/AIDS related infections and palliative care
  • Integrating HIV/AIDS services with services for TB, cervical cancer, malaria in pregnancy, family planning and maternal and child health services

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision [VMMC]

These strategies and programmes aim to:

  • Ensure the provision of high-quality, high volume integrated adult circumcision (VMMC) services
  • Collaborate with traditional circumcising communities and their leaders to offer innovative approaches on the benefits of male circumcision as well as the benefits of VMMC as a component of traditional initiation rites
  • Partner with companies to bring VMMC services to the workplace
  • Collaborate with other HIV partners in the districts to ensure the continuum of care and promote and refer clients for VMMC.

Thus far, JPS Africa NPC has a total of 23 sites that support VMMC in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, and one Mobile VMMC clinic. JPS Africa NPC also trains Health Promotion Officers on circumcision benefits and VMMC as a HIV prevention method, as well as other benefits of VMMC, adult circumcision and how to effectively promote VMMC among South African men. This training is supported through the use of the ModCal® Training Skills programme, which blends technology supported learning with more traditional group-based training.

During the PEPFAR quarterly review of all CDC supported VMMC partners in South Africa, JPS Africa NPC was the only implementing partner with a net positive trend between October and November in 2013. 

The programme performed 47,047 VMMC procedures between October 2011 and April 2015.

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

Family Planning & Reproductive Health

Through this project, JPS Africa NPC is helping women to better plan and prepare for their futures. By educating women on the female reproductive system and their reproductive options, women have a choice in their pregnancy and are also receiving advice on healthy and safe sexual intercourse. There are many contraceptive options, however JPS Africa NPC has been trained and, in turn, is training others, on how to insert and remove Sub-Dermal Contraceptive Implants (Implanon™ or Jadelle). The implants are supplied by Merck, Sharp and Dohme, and Bayer. Patients prefer the implants for contraception as they do not require the patient to return to the clinic. Contraceptive injections require the patient to return a family planning or women’s health clinic every 3 months, while contraceptive pills only last 1 month. The implant enables women to lead normal lives without the stress of getting to a clinic or finding funding for the pills or injections; if they want to conceive, they can come in and have the implant removed.


JPS Africa NPC has been training nurses on the proper procedure to insert the implants. These nurses can then go on to train others on the implant and strategic family planning. The training includes competency based clinical training skills which includes a variety of training methodology, for example; classroom simulations, role playing and group discussions. The nurses are also trained in using Infection Prevention and Control measures as well as the Balance Counselling Plus Strategy, which is a client focused counselling strategy that embraces a holistic approach and integrates relevant women’s health issues. The Balance Counselling Plus Strategy helped to reduce the rate of early implant removals and increased use of the implants.

The family planning project reached a total of 2,359 clients in 2014 across Mpumalanga and Northern Cape supporting women’s health and family planning nationwide.

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

MDR TB, Programming & Research

The goal is to establish sites of excellence and nurse-led Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) initiation and management. As there is a skill and doctor shortage in South Africa, nurses are being called upon to treat MDR-TB. The NDoH identified the need to provide training and contracted JPS Africa to provide training for nurses so that they are better equipped to treat and care for MDR-TB patients. The training is supported with the use of the Jhpiego-developed Training Information Monitoring Systems (TIMS©).

JPS Africa NPC currently provides training for:

  • Nurse Initiated MDR-TB treatment
  • MDR-TB management for Health Care Workers
  • Otoxicity (measurement for hearing changes in patients)
  • Community Caregivers or home based care
  • EDR (a web based tool for the collection of drug resistant TB data)

This programme also allows data to be gathered about the patients, symptoms of Tuberculosis and their treatment through the use of an mHealth solution called emocha©. The mHealth solution includes a training application for nurses with a multimedia educational library. emocha© is a patient tracer, which is used to record patient data from entry point into the health system, to admission to discharge.

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

Maternal, Newborn & Child Health

Maternal and newborn skilled care includes:

  • Antenatal care, including that for malaria in pregnancy and mother-to-child transmission of HIV
  • Obstetric and newborn care, including basic care and emergency care. Examples of this type of healthcare includes, but is not limited to, pregnancy related conditions such as pre-eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage and newborn asphyxia
  • Family planning
  • Post-abortion care services
  • Infection prevention practices

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care

Social Ethics And Responsibility

JPS Africa aims to contribute to the Office Park landscapes and helps create carbon sinks to help fight climate change. Tree planting is a great way to increase employees’ interest in their local and work environment and achieve environmental goals. An Orange Jasmine tree was planted on 20 March 2020.

We are striving to uplift the quality of both our living – and work environment through active planting, proper maintenance and preservation of trees together with other vegetation. Our target is to bring about noticeable improvements in urban greenery and to enhance existing greened areas at work.

Benefits of this trees include:

  1. Trees combat climate change
  2. Trees clean the air
  3. Trees provide oxygen
  4. Trees conserve energy
  5. Trees help prevent water pollution
  6. Trees cool the streets and the city
  7. Trees help prevent soil erosion
  8. Trees heal
  9. Trees reduce violence
  10. Trees mark the seasons
  11. Trees bring diverse groups of people together


HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care