Medical Male Circumcision Trainings offered by JPS Africa


Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) reduces men’s risk of acquiring HIV through heterosexual intercourse by approximately 60%. As more men become circumcised, fewer will become infected with HIV. VMMC indirectly protects men’s female sexual partners from HIV, because HIV-negative men cannot infect their female sexual partners. However, for HIV-positive men, VMMC does not reduce their risk of transmitting HIV to their sexual partners. Furthermore, if men who are already HIV-positive become circumcised, it will not reverse their HIV-positive status. UNAIDS and PEPFAR have estimated that scaling up VMMC in men aged 15–49 years in 14 southern and eastern African countries will require 20.3 million circumcisions in five years in order to reach 80% coverage of the eligible population. Using this level of coverage over the next 15 years, mathematical modelling suggests there is the potential to avert up to 3.6 million new HIV infections and generate a potential cost saving of billions of rand.

In order to contribute to the national agenda as outlined in the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017-2022, JPS Africa has developed clinical trainings, tailor made to capacitate different cadres of health, in performing safe circumcisions and managing clients post procedure.

JPS Africa’s trainings revolves around 3 cognitive domains which are knowledge, skills and attitude. Targeted participants for these courses will be empowered with theoretical aspects of MMC and necessary surgical skills.


Who should enrol?

Doctors, Registered Nurses and Clinical Associates are allowed to enrol for clinical trainings. These trainings are conducted over a period of 5 days (for new providers) and 3 days (for providers trained before). These trainings have both theory, simulations with penile models and practicing on actual clients under the direct supervision of master trainers.

Participants will be subjected to formative assessments (before training) and also summative assessments (after training). These assessments are usually conducted through pre – and post-test questionnaires. Participants are expected to score more than 80% during post-test questionnaire.

Participants will be allowed to continue practicing and perfecting their surgical skills in preparation of the mentorship and to conclude the certification process. This process should be concluded within 4-6 weeks post formal training and after successful completion of 10 procedures on clients. Participants will be issued with certificates of attendance post formal training provided they attended more than 80% of the course. Certificates of competence will be issued after successfully completing the certification process and deemed competent by the master trainer.


Training methodology:

Course content covered:

  • Link between MMC and HIV prevention
  • Screening for eligible clients
  • Facilities, supplies and pharmaceuticals
  • Surgical procedures
  • Post-Operative management
  • Identification, classification, timing, management, recording and reporting of Adverse Events following MC procedure.


The methods employed during these trainings included:

  • Illustrated lectures
  • Small group exercises
  • Large group discussions
  • Role plays
  • Discussions
  • Audio-Visual materials


JPS Africa trainings are accredited by the South African Medical Association (SAMA) and Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA). Participants will be awarded 30 points in total -28 being Continuous Professional Development points (CPD) and 2 Ethics.




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