JPS Africa – Training on infection control

Training on infection control at home for Community Health Care Workers (CHCW) employed by hospice and Redcross in Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Health District (NMBMHD) in the eastern Cape Province.

Nelson Mandela Bay Health District has the highest rate of Drug Resistant (DR) TB notified each month with a total of 40-50 patients. Due to this challenge, the National Department of Health has identified a pilot project which aims at reducing transmission of DR- TB in the community. JPS Africa has provided Infection Control (IC) training for DR supporting partners (Red Cross and Hospice nurses and CHCW). The DR supporting partners will supervise and provide health education to DR patients on community DOT.

In preparation for the pilot project on Infection control at home, DR patients who are treated in the community whilst smear and culture positive will be getting kits on a monthly basis to prevent those diagnosed and managed at home from infecting other family members. TB screening to all family members of infected patients will be conducted monthly.

JPS Africa conducted its first training on the 17th of May 2016. A total of 32 Health Care Workers from both NGO’s were trained. JPS Africa aims to fight the MDR-TB problem in the community with the dedication and commitment of health care workers. Written By: Nomakaya Matutu JPS Africa Project Manager

Written By: Nomakaya Matutu, JPS Africa Project Manager




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